The uBeat® Technology

The uBeat® Platform supports the culture of 3 biologically independent 3D microtissues within a single device.
In each culture chamber microfluidic channels are separated by rows of hanging pillars. Geometry of these features dictates the mechanical stimulation received in the cell construct.

The uBoX Pro actuator pressurizes the actuation layer underneath the cell culture layer to transfer a controlled mechanical stimulation to the cell constructs by means of the patented uBeat® Technology.

The stroke distance only depends on the pillars’ gap.
The pillars gap modulates the stimulation intensity.
The type of stimulation is defined by the pillars’ shape.

uBeat® Platform
Cell Culture Layer Top View
Cell Culture Layer – Top View

High Data Content

3D microtissue: small volumes vs high cell density

With standard biological assays and protocols Live/Dead assays Immunofluorescence PCR ELISA Dextran Permeability Proteomics Mass Spectrometry
The uBeat® Technology can be adopted both to maturate and differentiate physiological human tissues in vitro and to develop mechanically-related pathologies on chip.